Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Story So Far....... I became a journaling addict.....

I remember being in art class at school when I was around 12 and looking at the picture the girl opposite was drawing...and I wished so much to be able to draw like that .

When it came to choosing optional classes I went straight to the art class...where the teacher rudely informed me that perhaps it wasn't the right class for me as " I had no artistic talent"..... If only I had had the foresight to tell him that it was his job to teach me......but being only 12 it never occurred to me of course.

That was the end of my creativity for 15 years.  Then one day I was channel hopping and came across a TV show called Change UK peeps may remember it.  The idea was a bunch of guest designers would take an old worn down piece of furniture and turn it into something beautiful and useful.  I was impressed and began looking for small pieces of furniture that I could work some magic artistic talent needed for that right????

So I played about with this for a while but to be honest the house is not that big and can only hold so much furniture...then I discovered QVC and the craft shows about card making...and again I thought here is something creative I can do where artistic talent is still not required.   I soon became bored with making cards because only need so many cards and I was spending a fortune on supplies that I had no use for....but this led to me looking for something else that I could do with all this paper and stuff I had amassed and came across scrap booking.  

Scrap booking I got into in a major way for quite a few years....I felt like I was doing something creative....even though I have no artistic talent.  I joined online scrap booking communities and discovered a whole new world opening up online friendships was something I never even contemplated before.

On one of these forums the phrase art journaling kept cropping up over and over again so I looked into this and found out that I could make pages and pay with paint and be creative in a way where no artistic talent was needed...that's what they all said.... 

I was hooked immediately...I have been art journaling now for a couple of years and taken dozens of online classes, including drawing classes ...and guess what folks 


To be continued

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